Dee Airey Coaching

Helping Photographers plant the seeds to

Kick Start & Grow their Business!

Dee Airey Coaching

Helping Photographers plant the seeds to Kick Start & Grow their Business!

FREE Webinar from me to you....

Learn the tools I used to turn my hobby to an Award Winning Photography Business


FREE Webinar from me to you....

Learn the tools I used to turn my Hobby into an

Award Winning Photography Business


  • A Bunch of "tips & tricks" that won't translate to real growth and sustainability for your business
  • A load of business guru buzzwords that mean nothing when it comes to your situation
  • An hour long sales pitch where instead of actually teaching you something, I promote my paid coaching course to you
  • A hastily put together video filled with flashy promises of infinite wealth and success


  • Experience from someone who took their passion and turned it into an award winning business
  • The mindset required to allow you and your business to properly grow
  • Profiling your ideal client to connect with them effectively
  • What you need to establish your brand identity beyond a logo and colour scheme
  • The tools to properly and confidently market your photography business


  • A Bunch of "tips & tricks" that won't translate to real growth and sustainability for your business
  • A load of business guru buzzwords that mean nothing when it comes to your situation
  • An hour long sales pitch where instead of actually teaching you something, I promote my paid coaching course to you
  • A hastily put together video filled with flashy promises of infinite wealth and success


  • Experience from someone who took their passion and turned it into an award winning business
  • The mindset required to allow you and your business to properly grow
  • Profiling your ideal client to connect with them effectively
  • What you need to establish your brand identity beyond a logo and colour scheme
  • The tools to properly and confidently market your photography business


By joining me on this webinar, you will also be able to...

  • Gain access to a private facebook group of like-minded photographers who are also growing their businesses
  • Grab a FREE copy of my book "MAKE PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR BUSINESS" (foreword by Gillian Allard - Winner of Sky Art's Master of Photography)
  • Get access to another webinar, "SIDE HUSTLE", if you want to grow a photography business alongside your job.
Make it Your Business Photography eBook


By joining me on this webinar, you will also be able to...

  • Gain access to our private facebook group of like-minded photographers who are also growing their businesses
  • Grab a FREE copy of my book "MAKE PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR BUSINESS" (foreword by Gillian Allard - Winner of Sky Art's Master of Photography)
  • Get access to another webinar, "SIDE HUSTLE", if you want to grow a photography business alongside your job.



What good is knowledge if you don't share it, right? I was once in your shoes so I know how it feels having no idea how to grow. I want to save you the time and money that I wasted before learning these things and help you break through the barriers preventing you from turning your passion into a real business.




What good is knowledge if you don't share it, right? I was once in your shoes so I know how it feels having no idea how to grow. I want to save you the time and money that I wasted before learning these things and help you break through the barriers preventing you from turning your passion into a real business.


"I am so grateful to Dee for her dedication and ongoing support throughout my photography journey. Her positivity and words of encouragement help me realise that I can achieve my goals and I can have the business that I want."

- Sarah (Kent, UK)

"I’m loving the group. The lives are great and the business tips you give are like golden nuggets of information."

- Charlie (Kent, UK)

"Dee is very professional and talented photography business coacher, also friendly personality. I learnt from her a lot. I loved her podcasts, they are awesome. Definitely I would recommend Dee!"

- Lina (Devon, UK)

"I had no idea how much of me, myself and I, stood in the way. I had no idea of just how patient, skilled and tenacious Dee is. She is strong and won’t let you let go, so together we have soldiered through hurdles."

- Gill (Suffolk, UK)

Dee's coaching group is awesome. She gives just tons of pointers, how to, what nots in the business aspects a lot drawn from her own experiences so we learn what to do if we face a similar situation.

- Warren (Wolverhampton, UK)


"I am so grateful to Dee for her dedication and ongoing support throughout my photography journey. Her positivity and words of encouragement help me realise that I can achieve my goals and I can have the business that I want."

- Sarah (Kent, UK)

"I’m loving the group. The lives are great and the business tips you give are like golden nuggets of information."

- Charlie (Kent, UK)

"Dee is very professional and talented photography business coacher, also friendly personality. I learnt from her a lot. I loved her podcasts, they are awesome. Definitely I would recommend Dee!"

- Lina (Devon, UK)

"I had no idea how much of me, myself and I, stood in the way. I had no idea of just how patient, skilled and tenacious Dee is. She is strong and won’t let you let go, so together we have soldiered through hurdles."

- Gill (Suffolk, UK)

Dee's coaching group is awesome. She gives just tons of pointers, how to, what nots in the business aspects a lot drawn from her own experiences so we learn what to do if we face a similar situation.

- Warren (Wolverhampton, UK)


I'm Dee Airey, professional photographer and coach.....

I started my photography business after being a novice for an absolute age. I was so excited when I became a business, BUT I made so many mistakes that cost me time and money.

I doubted everything I did and as much as I wanted my business, I didn't think I was good enough.....I compared myself to other photographers.  I constantly gave away my work for free because I felt like a fraud, and I continually chopped and changed what I was doing to suit a 'mould'.

​I've also been teaching and coaching in many ways for nearly over 20 years.  Helping people to develop and seeing them develop really inspires me to just keep helping. 

​With my passions for teaching and coaching, photography and people development, it was probably written in the stars that I'm now here, running this coaching business for photographers who are serious about starting up their own photography business. 

​I have so much fun now shooting weddings and my studio portrait work.  I'll always keep learning and sharpening up, but I feel I owe it to other photographers to help them create their business dream.  That's how the world goes around right? We help each other out. 

​So if you're here and you're serious about creating your photography business and you need a little help and inspiration from a genuine photography business owner, I'd love to hear from you; and I'd love to help you!

​Dee x



I'm Dee Airey, professional photographer and coach.....

I started my photography business after being a novice for an absolute age. I was so excited when I became a business, BUT I made so many mistakes that cost me time and money.

I doubted everything I did and as much as I wanted my business, I didn't think I was good enough.....I compared myself to other photographers.  I constantly gave away my work for free because I felt like a fraud, and I continually chopped and changed what I was doing to suit a 'mould'.

I've also been teaching and coaching in many ways for nearly over 20 years.  Helping people to develop really inspires me to just keep helping. 

With my passions for teaching and coaching, photography and people development, it was probably written in the stars that I'm now here, running this coaching business for photographers who are serious about starting up their own business. 

​I have so much fun now shooting weddings and my studio portrait work.  I'll always keep learning and sharpening up, but I feel I owe it to other photographers to help them create their business dream.  That's how the world goes around right? We help each other out. 

​So if you're here and you're serious about creating your photography business and you need a little help and inspiration from a genuine photography business owner, I'd love to hear from you; and I'd love to help you!

​Dee x

By the end of the Webinar...

You'll have the tools you need to start taking action to kickstart and grow your own photography business.


  • Identifying the sabotaging blocks that plague us all when our confidence is low.
  • Understanding your ideal client and who you are serving with your photography.
  • Your brand identity, to create the look and feel of your business, and the customer experience.
  • Marketing your business to help you attract the clients you want to work with.


I promise I won't waffle on for ages to make this webinar last forever! I'm giving you a simple and straight to the point webinar on the common mistakes that photographers make when starting out (and trust me I made a load of these mistakes and I see other photographers making the same mistakes too!), and the simple tools to break through them.


  • Watch, listen and learn from this FREE half hour, straight-to-the-point webinar
  • Start taking immediate action with the workbook enclosed
  • Listen to music created by me to help you concentrate and refocus


  • Join the private Facebook Group of like-minded Photographers who are serious about kickstarting and growing their business
  • Pick up a FREE copy of my Book (MAKE PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR BUSINESS)
  • Get access to another FREE Webinar: SIDE HUSTLE to help you create a photography business alongside your job

I’m more than a photographers' coach — I will help transform you and your business dream on a journey towards success. My proven approach provides you with the tools you need to help you grow and achieve your goals as a photography business, with confidence.

Dive In and Don't Look Back...


  • Watch, listen and learn from this FREE half hour, straight-to-the-point webinar
  • Start taking immediate action with the workbook enclosed
  • Listen to music created by me to help you concentrate and refocus


  • Join the private Facebook Group of like-minded Photographers who are serious about kickstarting and growing their business
  • Pick up a FREE copy of my Book (MAKE PHOTOGRAPHY YOUR BUSINESS)
  • Get access to another FREE Webinar: SIDE HUSTLE to help you create a photography business alongside your job

I’m more than a photographers' coach — I will help transform you and your business dream on a journey towards success. My proven approach provides you with the tools you need to help you grow and achieve your goals as a photography business, with confidence.

Dive In and Don't Look Back...