ClickStart® One-2-One Programme

Get the tools I used to grow my award winning photography business.

I'll help you kickstart and grow your photography business, get clients and bookings, without wasting time and money, and without all the overwhelm.

Starting any business, let alone a creative business, is a major challenge, because as creatives you just want to get on with doing what you do. There's so much to strategy, tech and marketing. I've created my ClickStart® One-2-One Coaching Programme to help you with just that!


Are you ready to Kickstart your Photography Business and move on to the next level - but you're stuck?

Are you overwhelmed and finding excuses not to start? Be honest!

Are you put off by the amount there is to learn and the amount of posting there seems to be on social media by photographers?

Are you worried how you'll start your business without a portfolio to showcase just how good you are?

Are you looking at other photographers online and thinking "they are way better than me"?

Are you worried about what others might think if you start showing up online as a business?

Do you feel like a fraud and that you don't belong in the professional arena?

Are you simply lacking in confidence and suffering with self-doubt?


How my One-2-One ClickStart®

Coaching Programme Works

On the ClickStart® Programme you'll get

6 x 90 minute One-to-One sessions with me for 3 months to get you set for clients and bookings into your business

This won't be generic coaching, this will literally be all about your business! This isn't for the feint hearted either - there's a lot of work to do, but once it's done - you're on your way! I'll be right here for you giving you what you need to get results!

3 months One-2-One coaching calls giving you deep dive training, including mindset work to get your head in the game, tech time, social media, blog and content creation, and systems for your business. Plus a bonus 'health check' review to check in on your business.

Value £6597

Your Investment £3597

It doesn't have to be so hard...

Are you stuck in a rut looking for guidance and inspiration? I totally get you. Setting up and growing a photography business (or any business) is always a great and exciting idea, but the reality is so daunting!


Lack of Confidence & Self-Doubt?

Are you terrified at the thought of getting you and your business out there? You're quite possibly doubting yourself and thinking everyone else is doing it right, and you're not doing it right. It's tough when you see other photographers out there who seem to be doing so well, with great websites and social media posts. All of a sudden, you don't feel confident any more.....


Not getting Work & Clients

Have you already made a start with your business, but you're just not getting the work and the clients you'd hoped for. You're not alone with this. It can be so difficult to align your business with the right potential clients so that you get the bookings you want.


Scared to Charge for Work?

Are you nervous about charging what you should for your great work? I get that it can be terrifying, just in case you frighten a client away and lose out on work opportunities.


Wondering how other Photographers doing this?

There is so much to learn and do. How are other photographers posting on social media sites as often as they do, managing their work, communicating with their clients, shooting. There's so much!


Overwhelmed by Website, Social Media, Content & Tech Stuff!

Not being able to afford to have a website built and trying to build can be a minefield of tech stuff! And then there's the whole social media presence, how on earth are you supposed to learn and juggle all of this.

In just 3 months you'll have the exact tools I used to create a successful photography business for me and for others

- without all the overwhelm and mistakes I made!

"I didn't think I could afford to do this training but now when I look back I don't think I could of afforded not to. I am more confident and just as good as anybody else and I have made more than my money back. I have some clients so my portfolio is growing."

W.S. (London, UK)

“I didn't like social media before because I didn't think I could keep up with the other photographers. But now because I've taken on board everything Dee has taught me about content planning I like it. ”

CP - Northampton, UK

I'm so glad you're here....  

If you don't already know me, I'm Dee. I'm a wedding and studio portrait photographer based in Kent, UK. And I'm also a business coach to photographers who are serious about kickstarting and growing their own photography businesses.

I've been snapping away for years now and when I started my business, I tried and tested all the things: so many courses, webinars, YouTube, the lot. I was literally overwhelmed all the time, because whenever I learned something, there was something else. I mimicked other photographers, I had no style of my own and I had zero portfolio, so I was in a catch-22 situation.

When I looked at other photographers who were established I didn't think I'd ever be able to have a business of my own. They looked so much better than me, and I lacked confidence all the time. I doubted my every turn and often just wanted to give up.....until I was coached by another photographer who knew my struggles.

Fast forward, I've grown my business, I have an amazing, unique Wedding Photography Shop & Gallery, and Family Portrait Studio; and the business is award winning too! I'm super proud of it; and I want you to feel the same!

I'm also an author (of my first book (at the time of writing) where I share my journey to becoming a photography business. FIND IT HERE ON AMAZON)

Your Photography Business is Waiting for YOU!

There’s no better time to direct and control your pathway to a successful photography business than right now. My One-to-One ClickStart Programme will give you the tools you need to start and grow your photography business. More than guiding you with WHAT you need to do, I will literally show you HOW to do things to get you moving.


Why Work with Me? 

Why on earth would you want to work with me?

  • Because I've been teaching and coaching for over 25 years - imparting knowledge and coaching people is what I do best.
  • Because unlike many coaches who teach you to create a business, I do run a real photography business so my business coaching comes from a relatable place to where you are at, and what you might be feeling. I've made a load of mistakes, I've wasted money and I've suffered with enormous confidence issues, which I've managed to overcome.
  • I'm a 'hearts and minds' centred coach. It doesn't matter what we do in life, if our head isn't in the game, we're fighting a losing battle. And I want you to win!
  • I started my business in my 40s and if I can do this, I'm certain more than anything that you can do it too!
  • I genuinely care about my clients, and I want you to get the results you're looking for
  • I only work with a limited number of ClickStart students at any one time to ensure I give you the best I can.

Love Dee x

"Dee Airey is an amazing coach. She is thoughtful, encouraging and a go getter. She has been there for me when I am feeling stuck and has been the hand that has helped me get back up again. I really appreciate how she is willing to work with me, push me when I need it and yet still lets me take a breath when I am feeling overwhelmed. I would highly recommend to anyone who is afraid to step out and claim your dream of photography."

- V.J. (Maine, US)

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

I've learned that as business owners, we are the biggest investor into the business. Our investment is a reflection of our belief, dedication and commitment. After all, if we don't invest in our businesses, how can we expect others to do the same?

The One-2-One ClickStart coaching I offer is only for photographers who are ready to invest in themselves and their business.

I'm not a sales person by any means, so the last thing I want is to encourage anyone into this programme who isn't ready for it. And that's ok, not everyone is ready right now.


My Pledge to You

I believe in the power of coaching and how this can accelerate business towards success. I believe in my own business so much so, that I invest over £15,000 each year in coaching for myself. Just like great singers, they all have voice coaching because it's the only way to truly develop and stay on top.

You can trust in me that I am forever evolving and I pledge to pass on what I know to you.


How long is a discovery call?

Discovery calls are 40 minutes.

How will our calls be done?

The coaching calls will be done over Zoom. We'll use the same link for each call.

How much is the one-2-one coaching (if I decide to have it)?

The coaching is £3597 for 3 months coaching.

How do I pay?

You pay £3597 in a lump sum at the beginning or we an arrange a payment plan that suits us both.

How long are the coaching calls?

Over 3 month coaching - 6 x 90 minutes

What If I Change My Mind During the Coaching?

You are at liberty to change your mind, however I wouldn't recommend it because you'll only get out what you put in. The fees are not refundable. I'd therefore encourage you to complete the coaching.

What is the Content of the Coaching

The content is put together based on your individual needs. There is no 'one-size-fits-all'. Thats the beauty of the ClickStart® One-2-One Programme, it's based solely on you and your business. I know that no two people or businesses are the same.

Would you coach a group of people from the same business?

No, just the business owner.

If I want your Coaching Programme can I start straight away?

No, believe it or not. I select photographers that I think I can help, and a Discovery Call helps to establish if we are both a fit to work together. I never want to take your money if I don't believe we are right to work together.